Following Sunday night’s shocking triple Eviction, the Housemates have been scrambling to outsmart each other on the way to the R2 million grand prize. Some of them are already hatching some ruthless plots ahead of Monday night Nominations.

Last week saw friendships and romances buckle under the pressure of bold moves.

Amongst other things, Sis Tamara used her Veto Power to save Tulz and replace him with Vyno. That ended with Vyno going home during Sunday Night’s blockbuster triple Eviction.

Since last night, the Housemates have been making full use of the Conspiracy Corner, where they gather to rustle up new strategies.

With only 11 Housemates left in the House, no one wants to find themselves on the chopping block. As a means to work out the best way to survive the fate of a brutal blindside, some of the Housemates have crafted the following moves: 

Putting up the pretty girls 

Libo, Terry, Themba and Tulz think some of the ladies in the House are relying too much on their looks to stay in the House. During last night’s conspiring session, these Housemates thought it would be smart to put up Mphowabadimo, Nale and Venus for the Nominations.

If it is true that these girls are loved by viewers because they are pretty, putting them all up at once would neutralize the power of their beauty. In this way, the one who brings more than just looks to the table, will remain standing. They also feel that if a woman is Evicted, it will balance the scales. There are currently more women than guys in the House. 

The Sis Tamara test

Libo has been advocating for the Nomination of Sis Tamara. While Gash1 and Themba have speculated that these two might have an unspoken alliance, Libo seems to be moving differently.

Alliances (or not) aside, Libo has argued that Sis Tamara has yet to be put up for Nominations. If she is nominated and survives, that will be a clear indication that Sis Tamara has a fanbase. That makes Sis Tamara an even bigger threat, especially after last week’s iconic events. 

Having now won HoH twice and putting in motion a series of events that ended with Vyno’s Eviction, many Housemates are aware that Sis Tamara is playing a big game. Many are now toying around the idea of putting her up for Nominations, so they can figure out how to proceed.

A plot for Top two

Gash1 and Themba sat down to talk about the best way for both them to end up in the Top two. They both feel like they are quite strong in the game, having survived through a number of Nominations. They are now certain someone is definitely voting for them, which makes them believe they have the public support needed to go the all the way. To maximise their opportunity, they have decided to partner up until the end.

The next move, Gash1 argued, is to rope in Thato. Themba, on the other hand, feels that Thato is too emotional, which makes that alliance risky. But Gash1 is confident that he can work on that relationship. The gag is, Thato has continously spoken about her attachment to Sis Tamara. How will this play out? 

The Tulz theory 

Now that Themba and Gash1 have survived multiple Nominations, putting them up for nominations only means whoever else is nominated will likely be going home. That is what Tulz, who fears that unless he wins the HoH games tonight, has reasoned.

To minimize his chances of being Evicted, he wants to avoid having to go head-to-head with Housemates who have already survived several Nominations. His staying power has yet to be tested in a similar way, and he’s certainly taking no chances.

By Chris

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