Sello Maake kaNcube is a South African actor who is one of the greatest actor of all time in South Africa. He is known for being featured in one of the greatest soapies in South Africa. Some of the soapies that he was featured in include Scandal where he played the role of Daniel Nyathi and Generations where he played the role of Archie Moroka. The role of Archie Moroka is surely the role that a number of people know, as this was one of the biggest role that made him well-known.

Recently however Sello Maake kaNcube was trending on social media after posting something on social media which caused a stir. He took to social media to write on social media that he wants to be know as Sello for a change and not by the character names that he has played in the past, this also included the name he is popularly know as which is Archie Moroka. He also mentioned that if there are any producers looking to give him a role he would like to be known as Sello in that role.

However some people on social media seem to be finding it hard to call him Sello, as they are used to calling him Archie Moroka. It will surely take time for people to adjust to calling him Sello, as we could see so by the comments that people on social media made after seeing what he posted on social media. Some people also stated that they will always know him as Archie Moroka even if he could get another role where he will be called Sello.Here are some of the comments that people on social media made after seeing what Sello Maake kaNcube posted on social media.