Watch video of a guy lowering himself in a grave shook Mzansi

It is without a doubt that we are living in end times. People are doing unthinkable things nowadays. Which looks like, people have lost moral by doing things that are not supposed to be done by a woman being. It is without that social media is messing with people minds, because many people do shocking things to get likes and fame off social media.a4ee7ec08cd84308a710cc603b710264?quality=uhq&format=webp&resize=720

Each and every weak, there are shocking incidents caught on camera with people doing things not supposed to be done by human beings. There are always new trends with people going again god by doing what, He said it shouldn’t be done by a human being.


A video of a young man lowering himself in a grave like a casket has taken social media by storm. A man can be seen pulling himself down with casket lifters . Judging from the way the hole was, it seems like there was a burial happening at a place in that week where the incident happened.7c059e7e1ed6417eaecc990a918c6a89?quality=uhq&format=webp&resize=720af53651a249a426296985db72d8f5a25?quality=uhq&format=webp&resize=720

Mzansi was left disgusted by the young man actions. Some couldn’t even watch the video until the end. Some they said that, he is evil spirited and wishing himself death by acting as if he is dead.05e3e302ed364e1abf5f53929c9e6937?quality=uhq&format=webp&resize=720

0819526daa75493ca2771be684fa65cd?quality=uhq&format=webp&resize=720eccad8d49cc14dafa56457cafd6d3ff5?quality=uhq&format=webp&resize=720de763616d138489bbf41b742b8db0b93?quality=uhq&format=webp&resize=720S8aabd0d55278488fb606aa63f837fc94?quality=uhq&format=webp&resize=720ome said that the world is ending ending. How could a human being doing such a scaring things and why is he doing that. Some said, people shouldn’t have allowed him to pull such, it looks like a disrespect to the dead.

Author opinion

People are doing unthinkable nowadays, and for what no one can answer. It is high time, people pray for the country and ask God to intervene, because it doesn’t make sense to see a whole human being doing such.

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