Watch Old video of Chris Hani saying IFP never fought apartheid.

In a press conference in 1991, Chris Hani, the head of the ANC’s military branch, attempted to disparage the organization in favor of Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s Inkatha Freedom Party. He asserts that the IFP managed to sign up 2.2 million paid-up card-carrying members whereas the ANC only managed to sign up 200 000 despite receiving foreign aid and receiving extensive media coverage on front pages.

The white journalist asked Hani, “Why must American cab payers subsidize ANC, a dangerous organization,” claiming that ANC had allied itself with American leaders such as Colonel Ghadafi, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro.

Chris Hani without mincing his words, he said IFP never fought against apartheid. The ministers under the Chief Minister of Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s in homeland of KZN were never arrested for fighting against apartheid, neither banned, persecuted, banished like ANC cadres. Inkatha have never been involved in the struggle against apartheid, never. Today, you get every one saying we forced against apartheid.

People in the homelands didn’t fight against apartheid, only illegal and legal migrants who came to Johannesburg from the Homelands joined the struggle of the people of Soweto against apartheid joined the movement, not in homelands. Because homelands were run by Chief minister with his minsters.IFP worked in good faith with the National Party because it was not a threat to the government than the ANC.

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