Kanaga is sobbing as a result of Marvin’s explanation of the veto exchange to everyone. Actually, he had lots of options and could have chosen any other combination besides MaYa if he felt Marvin was his match. It’s acceptable if he doesn’t take Marvin as seriously as Marvin does.
Marvin is starting to get in my nerves now, they must go home on Sunday. He must rest this case manKanaga said that if Next week they get nominated they should have fun to the maximum and play the games to their best abilities because even if they go home, they are already made.
Blue aiva said that they won’t be going home.Kanaga Jnr’s fans were voting for Maya and Marvin has annoyed them so they’ve stopped voting. Marvin next time, learn to shut up.I like Yaya, but she mostly instigated her partner to continue wailing over this. Marvin looked like he already moved on but Yaya kept saying things to him and it got to his head.