Whether you like it or not, the so-called underdog has won. The internet was flooded with surprise, amazement, and excitement on Monday night. Ebubu and Tsatsii’s team, Royals, dominated the other teams to win the Head of House Challenge. The pair, who earlier admitted to feeling like outsiders in the home, have a lot to be happy about in the upcoming week.
It’s unsurprising, because Royals have built themselves quite the reputation of being easy-going, laid back, and often, lowkey. For the most part, Ebubu and Tsatsii’s moves have been subtle, allowing them to navigate the game with a sense of ease. But on Monday, all that was swung upside down.
Not only will they be reigning and calling the shots for the next seven days, they can also look forward to treats from Biggie. As any housemate would attest, being on the receiving end of Biggie’s spoils can positively affect one’s entire game in the house.
Less sweet is how being in charge as Heads of House often has the potential of attracting a target on the back of those who’ve occupied the throne. That said, if Royals see a shift in how their fellow housemates move around, it would have already started with how they decided to use their veto save privilege.
With Tsatsii being romantically linked to Kanaga Jnr, some may have expected Royals to save Kaniva. Will Kanaga feel slighted by the move? It’s not all about watching your back. Royals are also being lauded for displaying loyalty. By saving Blaqleng, they have returned the favour. Blaqleng did the same for them during their reign as the first HoH pair in the house.