The competition to win the Head of House games this week was as fierce as ever; all pairs, with the exception of the outgoing HoHs Royals, were required to participate in a three-round challenge; in the end, Thabana prevailed. In the first game, players had 90 seconds to use chopsticks to transport blocks from a bowl to an empty plate. This round was passed by Juvone, Khosicle, Juiovla, Maya, Yelisa, and Thabana.
Juvone finally gave the tails of house title to another pair after being crowned tails twice in a row. Blaqleng and Kaniva were only able to move nine blocks, thus making them the worst-performing pairs. Following the tails of house announcement, the qualified housemates moved on to the next game, which was to throw in as many blocks as possible into a fishnet; they each had 25 blocks.
Thabana was able to throw eight blocks, and coming in second, Juiovla threw seven. The pairs with the highest number of blocks moved to the final round, while Maya and Yelisa got disqualified for standing on a line. For the final round that scored, Thabana a win, each pair’s representative had to create as many words as possible from a specific word.
Thabang shined through this round, thus winning himself and Nana immunity from this week’s nominations, exclusive access to the Head of House room, and the veto save privilege.