The Big Brother Titans Housemates are now cautious about their every move. Moments of reflection follow nominations, and the Big Brother Titans housemates started outlining their actions straight after the Head of House competitions. Olivia organized a meeting where she counseled fellow housemates to put on a good display for their fans after discussing who they wanted to nominate with their partners.
Once Biggie announced the housemates who were up for possible eviction. Yaya broke down in tears, and a sea of emotions filled the house, and the pairs, especially Yelisa, couldn’t stop speaking about why they were nominated. Nelisa believes they got nominated because they are a threat, while Yemi encouraged Nelisa to ensure she does not dim her personality, even with their punishment as tails of house.
Yemi Cregx then proceeded to discuss with Jenni O in the garden. The two spoke about the house dynamics and pondered why Biggie paired them up. After the conversation with Yemi Cregx, Jenni O gathered the housemates to discuss the rationing of the new food they received. Would nominations and the loss of their wager cause drama in the house this week?