It has been few months ever since Thapelo was voted as the winner of the SA Idols. This is one of the competitions that gives hope to all those who have wishes of being musicians and being unable to take their talent out for the world to see. The platform has helped many people to find themselves and to get the opportunity to present themselves in order to be recognized.
Previous winners of Idols have made it successfully in the music industry and they continue to make all other people proud.It’s indeed true when they say that the platform has impacted so positively on the lives of many people in the country. Thapelo was voted as the winner few weeks ago and so many people were really impressed. He is such a talented man who really inspires many people and giving them so much positive energy.

The interesting thing is that he is police officer. Who would have thought that a whole police would enter the competition.The Limpopo born star impressed many people. Both the young and old look up to him as their role model. The world needs more people like him who are really fearless and courageous. The Idols winner was seen selling eggs and atchar in the streets and that has raised so much questions to many people all over the country.
Now people were left wondering why he would sell eggs and atchar just after winning the competition and giving the thought that he is also a police officer. It has raised so much questions and others wondering if he is already broke. Well there is absolutely nothing wrong with selling eggs. It can be his side hustle and does not really mean that he is broke. People need to refrain from judging others and let them be. What’s is your take on this matter?