The friendships between Anele Mdoda, Sizwe Dhlomo, Trevor Noah, Khaya Dlanga, and Xolisa Dyeshana are among the most exclusive in the area. Given the success that each participant has achieved in their own occupations, the friendship group has recently gained attention.
While doing so, they continued to help one another.Mdoda is a broadcaster and producer; Dhlomo is a broadcaster and entrepreneur; Noah is a well-known comedian internationally; and Dyeshana and Dlanga are effective media and advertising executives. As a result, the gang has extra-long money, and in recent years, when they organize trips, they travel abroad.

This year is no exception, as everyone in the group shared their experiences while on holiday in Costa Rica.The males of the friendship group arrived first at Nacascolo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Sizwe Dhlomo, Khaya Dlanga, Xolisa Dyeshana, and Trevor Noah were among them. Sizwe boasted about his view as he was the first to announce their presence.
The group decided to go kayaking on their trip, you could see how terrified they were in frame one , but people couldn’t help but notice that the instructor looks alot like footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, whereas some noticed that on frame two Anele is nowhere to be found.