RIP: Actress Lindiwe Ndlovu passes on

The multi-award-winning actress Lindiwe Thembekani Ndlovu passed on earlier today in her home after a brief undisclosed illness.

She was the best, she did amazing in her roles she made many African women believe in their talents.

An actress with great humour who entertained us in our homes. She contributed to the creative art greatly.

She was one of the most incredible performers and a SAFTA-winning actress. We will always remember her for the great contribution she has made to the arts industry. Our heartfelt condolences to her family & friends.

Lindiwe Ndlovu – Press release – 11 January 2021

It is with heavy hearts and unimaginable sadness that we
brings you the news of Lindiwe Thembekani Ndlovu passing
in her home this morning 11″ January.

Her bright, large burning light has gone out and we are devastated to bring you this sad news.

To us Lindiwe was family but to many, she was so much more.

An unsung incredible actress who will leave a huge space in the creative world of acting. Her incredible passion, deep
respect for her craft and an unrivalled commitment to her career evident in every project she took on.

Her career has been long and full of industry accolades and performances. By far her greatest achievement was receiving her SAFTA Award, which was presented to her by the incredible American actor Samuel L Jackson, which she received for Best Actress in a Feature film.


Lindiwe’s love for the stage is reflected in the many productions she gave her heart and soul to. A large number of
them being performed at the Market Theatre, to which she had strong ties with her entire career, even spending her younger days completing two years of studies there.

From a TV and film production aspect, there are too many of her roles to mention, each of them giving herself into the character and process heart and soul.

What we will remember most is her love and unwavering dedication to her friends and family. She had a larger than life presence that was undeniably infectious to those who loved her.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends of which she had many.

Lindiwe was part of the fabric of Gaenor Artiste Management and things will just not be the same without her.

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