President Cyril Ramaphosa launched an urgent application to interdict former President, Jacob Zuma from pursuing his private prosecution pending Ramaphosa’s bid to set aside the private prosecution as being unlawful and unconstitutional. The application is being brought in two parts. It was issued at a Gauteng high court. President Cyril Ramaphosa has initially told Jacob Zuma to withdraw that private prosecution against him, Ramaphosa, but Jacob Zuma refused. Ismail Abramjee shared this news on his Twitter handle.

Jacob Zuma may be attracting another court case for himself in addition to his other numerous court cases. The former president is spending a lot of money as legal fees because of his many court cases. A social media user says, “Jacob Zuma has a lot of money for courts cases, where does he get this cash? Frequent updates on where the cash has been acquired is necessary so that we must not get caught in the middle of thick and this when he says he doesn’t have cash?”.

Recall that before now, Karyn Maughan has posted something about this, saying that the states Attorney has issued Jacob Zuma a warning to withdraw the private prosecution he is initiating against President Cyril Ramaphosa. People have said that it was politically motivated. However, this whole thing may actually turn against Jacob Zuma. Since President Cyril Ramaphosa became president, he is yet to lose a single case, and this may not be an exemption. Karyn Maughan once wrote, “State Attorney calls on JZ “to withdraw the invalid summons on the basis that each party pays their own costs”.

Should he not do so by Mon, SA tells Zuma lawyers “we reserve the right to take such further steps as may be required and shall seek punitive costs against your client” This could be the beginning of another legal battle for Jacob Zuma in addition to his numerous other court cases?