Some of the roommates were upset by Santheo’s departure, while others opted for conflict. The Big Brother Titans housemates were on the edge of their seats during the first live eviction show. After Santheo left, the atmosphere in the home became strained, and Thabang stated that they “need a pool party now” to defuse the tension.
The Heads of House, Blaqleng, had used their veto power during nominations to save the Royals and replace them with Olivia and Juicy Jay. But during the live show, Juiovla was named safe from this week’s eviction. This move boggled Olivia’s mind; even though she knows it’s a game, she believed she had a friendship with Blaqboi, and his actions shocked her.
Blaqboi apologised while also defending himself by letting her know it was nothing personal, and that he was relieved they did not get evicted.Olivia accepted his apology; however, she let him know she felt betrayed and would not hesitate to nominate him and Ipeleng in future.
Following a conversation with her partner, Blaqboi, about the awkwardness she has been experiencing amongst fellow housemates since nominations, Ipeleng decided to have a separate conversation with Olivia and Juicy Jay. Her talk with Olivia was more emotional: while Ipeleng apologised profusely, Olivia was quick to comfort her and even compliment her by comparing her to her older sister.
On the other hand, Juicy Jay seemed unbothered; he accepted things and was not taking her actions personally. Could last night’s eviction affect the next nomination session?