Nhlanhla Lux says “Those playing tribalism with #Operation Dudula you will never win”

Those playing tribalism with #OperationDudula you will never win, this is just another scam to try and paint dudula as bad people after your first attempt of calling us violent failed. We at Dudula consist of all SAn tribes,

And this fight against illegal immigrants will never stop until we take back our country.



This is the official statement that was released by the leader of operation Dudula, Nhlanhla Lux. As you can see this was a problem with people that are trying to paint the operation bad.

Some are calling them that they are xenophobic, and others are already playing a tribalism card with them. As long as this operation does not have a logical approach to the issue of foreigners. It will always be labeled with all kinds of bad things, it will always be associated with the worst. So that is the official or written statement by the leader of operation Dudula, I don’t know what difference will it make. The operation is full of bad intentions.

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