“Malema should be given the opportunity to rule over South Africa – White EFF Officials”

We know that the EFF is a party that many believe will grow significantly in the aftermath of Julius Malema’s expulsion from the ANC. Despite the fact that the party has grown, some members are still struggling to keep things going. Some people believe that party leader Julius Malema is racist because of what he says or does.

They said that Julius Malema should have the opportunity to lead this country in the crisis it is in now. Corrie Gordon, who is a member of the EFF, said they had read the EFF’s newsletter and were happy with it, so they thought the EFF should have a chance. Even looting the land, they say it is good. They just need to make sure that once people are given land, they are given some skills so that they can continue to produce food in the country.

We know that the arrival of the EFF has put politics in this country because it seems that it is the only party that can challenge the ANC and make the ANC politicians uncomfortable. The EFF does this although it sometimes does it in the wrong way. We also know where they are on the land issue and they are not changing their plans on this.

For a long time, many people thought that the ANC was a party of blacks only and that whites could not join this party. But it seems this account may be wrong as we can see that there are white people now joining the EFF. And it is not only the white people, it is the farmers that we know that the EFF wants the land to be taken away from them without paying them. But these people don’t seem to have a problem with that.


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