In 2018, Noncebo and Vuyo married. However, their marriage suffered when Vuyo stopped spending time with Nonceno. She is curious about where they are in their relationship. The lady now feels compelled to force the marriage, whereas her husband is unconcerned about resolving their issues. She wanted him to tell her the truth and let her choose whether she wanted to be with her or with the person with whom he was cheating.
In this latest episode of #Face2face, we see Vuyo who is cheating on his wife, neglected his wife and kids and go to his girlfriend’s place from Thursday until Sunday or Monday every weekend. Apparently, Vuyo had hidden the fact that he is married with a wife and kids. Vuyo has been denying the confrontation made by his wife without knowing that his girlfriend is in the next room.
Vuyo says he can’t snitch on himself without any evidence being brought forward. He has been denying because she had not caught him. Noncebo cried after she heard the girlfriend Nomathemba saying he has the keys, he goes to her place any time he wants. She also revealed that he is the one who is paying the rent and his also buying her groceries.
The lady was left heartbroken, thinking that in December he left home without leaving money for food and for kids. What annoys is that he cheat and then deny it when she confronted him. People who cheat when you ask them “are they in a relationship” they will look your eyes and say “no” they only dating you. Only to find out that person has kids or married.