Illegal racing leads to ghastly accident

Racing is a serious offence, incredibly dangerous and leads to accidents. Drakenstein Municipality calls on our community to please refrain from participating in racing and to report any illegal racing to your nearest police station or Drakenstein Municipality Law Enforcement at 021 807 8508 (all hours).


The Municipality posted yesterday that this accident (images below), that had occurred on Bo-dal and Swawelstertpad in Paarl, was related to racing after it was reported to the Municipality as the result of a speeding contest.

The Municipality has in the meanwhile spoken to one of the drivers involved and understand that, in this case, it was not related to illegal racing. We apologise to the drivers, their families and our followers for any inconvenience caused.

The incident because they stay on because we w drivers are known to be reckless on the road, because they do not value their lives when they are showboating at incredible speeds putting people’s lives in danger and their lives.

These drivers unknown to be incredibly right place on the road.

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