“Housemates Shake Off Wager Loss with Spontaneous Musical Performance”

What better approach to go past a heartbreaking wager loss than to amuse oneself with make-believe games and entertainment?

The housemates had a good time seeing impromptu musical numbers and a dramatic performance that could stand up to the best in Hollywood. The housemates started the afternoon with an impromptu musical performance, lead by Yemi Cregx, who sang a song by Usher Raymond, since some of them were determined not to let the wager loss get them down.

Other housemates joined in the fun, and it soon appeared as a variety TV show had taken over the BBTitans house. Ebubu did some introductions and sang, with Olivia and Yvonne serving as his backup dancers. Yemi Cregx continued his Usher impersonation and welcomed Juicy Jay to the fictitious stage, where they both performed.The good times didn’t stop there. The act progressed to enacting a drama that could compete with anything Hollywood could conjure up.👀

In the drama, Yemi Cregx played a broke boyfriend to Yvonne, while Olivia played a friend to Yvonne’s character. This act also featured Juicy Jay and Miracle OP, who played blessers who the ladies fell for due to their wealth. Anyway, it all culminates with Yemi Cregx, the broke boyfriend, going insane. What was the story’s moral? Stay with your bankrupt boyfriend.😂black people on stage

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