Famous Bible Verse Trends On Twitter

 Foreigners definitely have the help of many powerful people in South Africa, including Julius Malema, and many have become suspicious until they saw this Bible verse, written in the Holy Book.

Well, it seems the Bible has warned Christians for many years to be careful of foreigners. This comes as a famous verse in the Bible is now trending on social media. Deuteronomy 28 verse 43 says, “Foreigners who live in your land will gain more and more power, while you gradually lose yours. They will have money to lend you, but you will have none to lend them. In the end, they will be your rulers.”

This verse now seems to resonate with South Africans as it is starting to make sense, and it has become a reality. Many foreigners in South Africa have become rich and powerful, and they are definitely ruling. Look at people like Julius Malema a powerful politician who is fighting for foreigners because they paid him a lot of money. A few years ago at the ANC Julius was against foreigners but ever since he changed and got on the payroll of many rich people who don’t have South African’s best interests at heart, he changed. Julius even told foreigners to enter the country with creative ways, when the SA border was shut down during a worldwide pandemic.


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