#BBMzansi: Venus and Nale have been evicted

The Nominated Housemates were hoping for a Sunday like last week’s which was fairly quiet with only one Eviction, but it wasn’t.

The number of Housemates got cut by a massive 20% yesterday as both Venus and Nale were sent packing after failing to secure enough votes to get them through the Live Eviction Show.

The first to go was Venus, who was somewhat embarrassed when shown a highlights reel of her time in the House, and Themba did not look happy when her Eviction was announced.

It was then Nale’s turn to take her exit, but she handled it very well, telling the other Housemates not to be sad, and saying to Lawrence that she looks back on the whole process as a positive one.

 Nale earned herself a reputation as one who shies away from housework, but always keeps her positivity in place.

Lawrence also dragged out Thato’s nervousness, a little bit, making her believe that she might be Evicted, before letting her off the hook, to her visible relief.

There are some Housemates who would be less than ecstatic at the way things have turned out. TulzLibo and Terry Nominated Gash1, Thato and Mphowabadimo with the combined six votes between them – all of whom are safe, meaning their alliance must be starting to worry.

Aside from the Evictions, we also received two bits of news. One is that the Conspiracy Corner is no longer a thing (at least, for now). This means that any alliances that currently exist will no longer be able to adjust their strategies in light of tonight’s outcome. Two – there is another twist coming. We don’t know much, except that it has to do with the Deputy Head of House and a prank. For the rest, we’ll just need to stay tune.

OBiggie is not done just yet – as the Housemates slowly learnt that the Conspiracy Corner has been phased out of the game. The contenders who hoped to leverage alliances this week are in for a disappointing start to the week.

Although we are unclear what the interesting plot twist will be today, we know with Biggie we can always expect surprises, or maybe he was just playing it safe considering how heated it was getting in that Corner.

Although Housemates are unfamiliar with the new rules surrounding the HoH Games, the talk around the House is all about wanting to either be HoH or Deputy HoH but as far as we know there are pranks involved which are bound to make the Ultimate Veto Power quite interesting.

While we are in for a treat today, Biggie’s changes to the House will bring some new dynamics and shift in how Housemates relate to one another. Will the underdogs come together to target the stronger Housemates, or will it be each to their own game?

We are in for an interesting week, but hey as we now have our Top 8.

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