Noxolo Nomcebo Mathula is a South African actress, businesswoman, and rapper who was born and raised in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. The 29-year-old garnered notoriety for her outstanding performance as Lilly in the SABC 1 drama series “Uzalo.”
If she isn’t filming her sequences for Uzalo, Noxolo Mathula reportedly makes extra money by selling hotdogs near her neighborhood taxi stand in Durban. For hundreds of fans of television shows in Mzansi, the lady has become a household name.
When interviewed by local news Mathula said she is not ashamed or embarrassed of being a TV personality selling food in the street. She also said that “I am never ever ashamed. My mother taught me that you do not ever feel embarrassed by doing honest work. If it gives you money and brings you happiness, then there’s nothing to be ashamed of. It is my side hustle, I own it, and no one can tell me anything. It is a brand I am very proud of.
I can never be ashamed of it.” she said. “People do not usually get to see celebrities do their groundwork. For my fans and followers it’s an inspirational thing that ‘haybo Lilly, you’re a celebrity and you are out here in the street selling hotdogs’. And I say we all have to hustle because depending on one salary does not work.” Miss Mathula said South African economy is on a critical point, it is very important to have multiple streams of income.
The star encourages other celebrities to push their side hustles while they are still relevant.TWITTER COMMENTS :Elvis Malakoane tweeted “All celebrities must consider following her footsteps, because with this initiative, She won’t fall hard on the ground if something fails in acting career, some celebrities when their days are dark, they are ashamed of getting back to their communities and start afresh.” he wrote.