Rapper AKA was killed on Friday in Durban, where he was scheduled to perform at his birthday party. He thought it was his duty as a public person to let his fans know where he was and when he would be performing.
He had no idea assassins had been despatched to kill him. A CCTV video depicting the moment he was shot to death emerged the day after his death. There is a man in the video who is wearing a white shirt and brown jeans.Yet since the camera was standing a fair distance away, this figure is hazy and difficult to make out.
But I can state for sure that he is the only witness who was not shot and who saw what happened. And he caught a fleeting glimpse of their faces as he peered into the assassin’s automobile.As the only witness who came face to face with the gunmen, if this individual can be located and identified, he may be able to provide valuable information to the authorities.
Unless the killers were using musks at the time, which would have prevented him from identifying them. For lack of anyone else to talk to, he may resort to making stuff up as he goes along in an effort to set them free. A further point is that I think much of the concealed data may be revealed if he is truly located. As a reader, what do you make of this situation?