Olivia gives Juicy a piece of her mind – BBTitans.

Last night, Olivia confronted Juicy Jay to voice her disgust with his remarks regarding her feelings for Thabang during their diary session. Juicy Jay claimed that Thabang was nominated by his lover since he did not return her feelings for him when answering Biggie’s inquiries. Despite the fact that the two in the diary room laughed it off, Olivia was not amused by that statement.

She made it clear to him that she could get any man she wanted in the house, and Thabang was no exception. “I can go lie down there if I want him,” she said, referring to Thabang’s bed. She went on to say that she didn’t “notice him” until their second week in the house. Juicy Jay apologised and stated unequivocally that he meant no harm.Olivia, on the other hand, made it clear that she did not hold a grudge but wanted to clear the air because she didn’t want Thabang to get the wrong idea if he happened to come across the diary session clip after the show ended.

Olivia appeared to be speaking the truth about not holding a grudge, because after Juicy Jay finished apologising, she quickly switched the conversation to strategy and how the pair will survive next week and the season as a whole.

Does this mean we will no longer see episodes of Olivia and Thabang after Saturday night parties? Time will tell.

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