Many individuals have been demanding for Gwede Mantashe to be fired as the minister of Mineral Resources and Energy in recent days. Mbhazima Shilowa, a former premier of Gauteng, however, has expressed his own opinions in relation to this campaign against Gwede Mantashe, the ANC chairman.
The former Gauteng Premier Mbhazima Shilowa took to social media platform, particularly Twitter, to argue that the campaign against Mantashe is going to backfire very badly. Mbhazima Shilowa has intimated that if Cyril Ramaphosa was preparing to move him, for whatever reasons, he should not do it, because he will be seen as pandered to some lobby inside and outside the party.
The remarks of Mbhazima Shilowa appears to have managed to grab the attention of many of his followers on Twitter. As one would expect, many people reacted to his remarks with mixed reactions.In his own words, Mbhazima Shilowa made the following remarks: “That campaign against Mantashe is going to backfire very badly. In fact even if CR was preparing to move him (whatever his reasons would be) he dare not do it lest he be seen to have pandered to some lobby inside.